Friday, March 25, 2011

Nashville Tennessee!

Hi all!

Time to share your vacation with every one. We had an awesome, amazing time out in Nashville! What an amazing city! I didn't want to come back in fact!

We left Sunday a.m the 13th...not as early as I wanted due to day lights savings kind of threw us off a bit. But we had perfect driving weather,everything went smooth, Alexis was so good in the car which is a total and complete change as to how she used to be when she was younger. We only did 3 stops the hole way there and made it to Nashville at about 8pm. Unfortunately it started to down pour right when we got to the city and trying to figure out where our hotel was, but we managed just fine! When we got to the hotel Alexis had gotten a second wind and was hyper! She was crawling all over super fast,laughing and just being goofy so we had to let her crawl off some energy. Through out the week Alexis had a new game in our hotel room...she start in the middle of the room..crawl to where the sink and a closet with full length mirrors were...sit down...kiss the closet...then smile and shake her hands in the air and talk to herself in the mirrors. It was the absolutley the cutest thing!

Our hotel was really nice! Newly updated,free i-net, free parking (which is rare in Nashville) free breakfast, then they had free snacky type foods from 5:30-7pm like salads,chips,hot dogs,veggies, just different things and then free drinks, soda and popcorn until 10pm. It was really nice! Every one was so friendly too!! But we came to realize every body in Nashville was super friendly! And every body said y'all so when I came home I was saying it a lot too!

Just about every one we saw would say "what gorgeous blue eyes your baby has" and shes sooo pretty! Alexis would be all shy and then smile at them which every one loved even more. It was sweet.

In downtown Nashville there is this AT&T building that every one says looks like Batman....we agreed...

On Monday we went to the Country Music Hall of Fame. Here are some pictures...
This is the back of the building which was about 3 storys.

We took this guided tour to the Historic RCA Studio B which was a couple blocks away. We had to wait for the bus to come and pick every one up so we decided to work on Alexis' walking.

We had a lady who was waiting also to go on the tour take a family picture. Alexis is waving "Hi!"

This place has such history and it was just amazing to be in the same place that so many talented country artists have recorded their music. So amazing!

It's a small building...mainly because it was built in smelt old too. This was taken towards the end of the hall looking towards the front was the lobby.

Me and Alexis. She was good for the tour but towards the end it was snack time. We couldn't let her feed herself cheerios because she likes to make a mess! :)

Elvis recorded more than half of his songs at this studio.

This is the piano Elvis played on. Also you can see the lights were different colors...Elvis was very laid back when it came to recording his songs and liked the different colors and the room almost dark. I guess he also recorded late late at night too.

Alexis and me by the piano.

After the tour we went back and finished looking at the hall of fame. It was Alexis's nap time and it seems only Kevin can get her to fall asleep when we are out and about. Him or my mom actually.

Tuesday we shopped and walked around downtown Nashville. This is the CMT studio.

A family picture by a giant cowboy boot.

We went to supper at the Hard Rock Cafe. Of course we all got t-shirts!

This is the Hard Rock Cafe to the left and in the back is the Tennessee Titians stadium. Last May when Nashville had the bad flood, this was all completely under water. They actually were still doing work because of the flood.

Kevin and Alexis by the giant guitar. Goofy pants was looking the wrong way! And I mean Alexis, not Kevin! :)

Alexis and I by the Cumberland River which flooded. The Titians stadium behind us.

Alexis wanted to drive in Nashville! (Look at how long her hair is getting!)

Our family of cowboy boots! We each got a pair. Alexis' are too big but we got them for when she will be walking...or more so for next winter.

This is the view from out hotel room. We were on the 5th floor. Nashville had green grass, blooming trees and even flowers!

I do have more pictures of our trip that I'd like to share but I think this post is long enough for tonight. I hope you all enjoyed these pictures so far! I hope to do the next blog real soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Nashville TN bound & New Job!

Hi Every one!

I just spent the last hour waiting for the video of Alexis crawling to load on here...and it didn't work :( Im not sure if the video is to large for the blog website or what? I will have to record her crawling again but a shorter video.

I am very excited to tell you all that we are taking our first big family vacation!!! We are heading to Nashville, Tennessee!! We are leaving this Sunday...1 day away! It is a very spur of the moment trip as we just decided we are going last Saturday. We are driving there Sunday and coming home Thursday. This will be a nice get away and a long enough trip with a 10 month old.
We are so excited and I can't wait to tell you all and show you all pictures when we get home! Although it might not be right away as Kevins parents, Kim & Chad are coming to visit us that Saturday.

In other news....Kevin now has a new job! He got laid off about 5 weeks ago from VIP Lube. He got a job at Ameriprise Auto and Home Insurance in the call center. He will be on phones but in this company you can move up very quickly. There is a lot of perks also with this job! My mom also works there and so does my Aunt Annette but they are all in different departments. Kevin starts Monday March 28th so we still have some more time together. Like I have said to Kevin the other know another reason we are a good couple is we can spend 24/7 for the past 5 weeks together and not be at each others throats! hehe. As every one knows..being laid off is not ideal but we have shared so many laughs, smiles and everything lately and Kevin has got to have so much time with Alexis it has been wonderful!

Well I better get going to bed..its late and I have a very busy day of packing and getting everything set for our trip to Nashville!

While I was typing this I finally got one video to make sure you check that out!

Video of Alexis

One afternoon Kevin was trying to get Alexis to take a nap...this is the game they started to play instead. Laughing and spiting out the pacifier!