Wednesday, August 25, 2010

La Crosse Trip

On Tuesday, Aug 17 and Wed, Aug 18 we headed out to La Crosse for a little visit. We have not been back there since June. Tuesday night we just had some good ol' family time!

Myself, Alexis and Aunt Kim
Aunt Josie and Alexis

On Wednesday we met Brian, Josie, Emily and Joe at Chucke Cheese for lunch, to play some games and have Emily and Joe open their birthday gifts from us. We all had a lot of fun!

Alexis' first time to Chucke Cheese. She loved looking at all the different games and everything. Eventually she got pooped out and fell asleep.
Josie pointing out all the different activities in the Little Mermaid kit we got for her.
Joe sure did like the ribbon I put on his gifts to hold them together. He kept chewing on was super cute!
It was fun to just watch Emily run around and look at all the different games.
The Bartelt cousins. Such a cute picture!
Very nice picture of Uncle Brian, Aunt Josie and Alexis. I'm pretty sure they love their little niece..hehe :)

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