Sunday, February 13, 2011

This weeks adventures and pictures

I believe its been a couple weeks so it's time to share some new pictures! :)

Last Saturday (Feb 3rd) my brother and his best friend Brandon moved into a new duplex here in West De Pere. Its a cute, nice duplex..perfect for 2 young bachelors. They invited every one over for a grill out and beer and very loud 70's music! We all had a blast singing, drinking and just being silly! I think a party we all needed.

Here is the cake my Aunt Annette made for the boys.

I LOVE this picture I took! Its the back of Dakota sitting in my bathroom window ledge staring outside with the American flag off to the side.

Alexis was getting really into the Super Bowl at this time! hehe. She however was in bed right after half time.

My neighbors spent 2 days making the Lombardi Trophy out of snow. They did an awesome job! I love how they added the American Flag and the Packer blanket too.
The window in the left side is my bathroom window and the back is the field we get to look out at. It's so nice!

My Uncle Ted from Nevada sent us a gift card from Toys R Us so we went shopping last week...Alexis came home with some new toys, a couple Baby Einstein movies, and a new summer hat. This toy is this popular toy called Ball Popper. It's pretty neat and loud! It plays music and some plastic balls shoot out of the top. We all really have fun with this toy, even Dakota gets in and chases the balls when they fly off.

The other day Kevin and I made pancakes and bacon for lunch. Alexis got to have some pancakes but instead of putting them in her mouth a few ended up on her cheeks!

Jumping up and down like a Mexican jumping bean!

Until next time...

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