Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our 1 year wedding anniversary weekend celebration!

This past weekend was our 1 year wedding anniversary! Where did the year go to??! Kevin had off Saturday through Tuesday so we headed on up to Green Bay.
Saturday evening we went to the drive in movie theater. We saw Despicable Me and Grown Ups. Both were very good and very funny!!! This was of course Alexis' first time to the drive in and she did very well! She even watched a little of Despicable Me while sitting on my lap and then fell asleep and didn't wake up until 6am the next morning! I think all that fresh air wore her out!
Kevin and Alexis just hanging out in the SUV before the movies started.
Some of my moms friends and their kids came along with us. We sat and played Banana Grams before it got dark.
Sunday before we headed up to Door County my aunt and uncle came over to see Alexis.
When we got to Door County Sunday we all had a little lunch picnic. Here is Alexis and Mommy
A very adorable picture of Alexis on our picnic!
Kevin and Alexis staring out at the water
A nice family picture in Door County
My parents with the ship yard behind them.

After our picnic we headed to the Door County Maritime Museum to see the Ghosts! Haunted Light Houses of the Great Lakes. It was very neat and interesting. Then we went to the different exhibits in the museum also.
Alexis and me by a picture of one of the haunted light houses.

Alexis and Grandma looking at all the different types of boats.

My mom say's it's unfair because she has to some what work to get Alexis to smile and my dad just stares at her and she smiles!

After the museum we headed up to Ephraim to go have supper at Wilson's! On our way home we took a drive through Jelly-stone camp ground where my family and I used to camp every weekend. Boy, that brought back lots of fun memories!
I'm hoping some day in the future Kevin and I will be able to camp a lot so Alexis can make lots of fun memories she will remember the rest of her life. Just like her mommy did!

After our day in Door County Alexis was she got a bath in Grandma & Grandpas kitchen sink!

Alexis all nice and clean! In her adorable Aristocrats PJS!

On Monday Kevin, Alexis and I did a little shopping around Green Bay and then my parents watched Alexis while Kevin and I went out for dinner..just ourselves! It was the first time any one has watched Alexis and she did wonderful! They sat out in the back yard and went for a walk.
Tuesday, we spent a good few hours washing and waxing our new SUV and then it was time to head on back to Milwaukee and see our silly Dakota. Boy, did she miss us!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Parents 25th Wedding Anniversary

On July 13th it was my parents 25th wedding anniversary! They decided they wanted to go camping at Apple Creek in Wrightstown, WI. My moms friend Theresa from her work was nice enough to let us borrow her nice camper for the long weekend! (If Theresa is reading this Thank you for letting us use your camper!)
So on Saturday July 10th Alexis and I went to Green Bay to go camp! Kevin had to work Saturday and Sunday but came out after work on Sunday. This was of course Alexis' first time camping and she did very well! We had a couple nasty thunderstorms but we stayed nice and dry in the camper. We stayed until Tuesday and the next day they had a huge rain fall and the little creek went over the bank and the whole camp ground was underwater! We left on a good day!

Here are a few pictures from the camping trip
We took Alexis on a few walks and she loved staring up at the trees
My brother Evan and his God Daughter
My mom has wanted a Beatles Abbey Road tee shirt for so long..she finally found one and then a few days later Kevin and I found a Beatles Abbey Road onesie for Alexis!

On Monday Kevin and I went back to East De Pere so I could say Hello to my Pelican friends. There was about 20 of them or so behind me and Alexis
Just a random picture..Kevin holding Alexis..Brandon shoeing away fly's
Our family by the camper
Oh Grandma! Enough with the kisses already!

Even though we've said it before..Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! We love you!

Bath Time!!

So the first two baths we gave little Alexis she was not a fan of..she screamed her little head off and they ended up being very short baths.

Then we thought.."Hey! Lets turn on the exhaust fan and maybe she will like that" Sure enough she did and ever since then bath time has become pretty fun. I think she may become a little mermaid as my mom says.

Here are just a few bath time pictures from the past 3 months

This last picture was taken today..every one with babies knows how hard it is to get a picture taken fast enough while they are smiling! Such a cute picture!

3 Months Old!

Our little Alexis Elizabeth is now 3 months old! Where did those 3 months go?!

She is wonderful in so many ways and we are so lucky to be her parents. Everyday she amazes us with the sweetest things! She is becoming one very smiley baby is the greatest feeling when she starts to whine because she can't see us because we are around the corner or just out of her eye sight and we go back by her and she just gets the biggest grin on her face.

Alexis getting on a sleep schedule but during the day she doesn't get into a deep sleep until Daddy is home and we both unwind for the day. When Kevin comes home from work and she hears his voice she moves her head all around looking for him and her eyes are huge, then when Kevin goes by her she gets the biggest smile you have ever seen on her face when she sees her Daddy! The absolute sweetest thing in the world! She is a Daddy's girl that is for sure!
But she does have her moments when she won't stop crying until I hold her so she is a Mommy's girl just as much.

Out with the old cars, in with the new SUV

On Monday July 19th we purchased our first family SUV! We bought a 2006 Chevy Trailblazer.
It took us about 2 months to find the right SUV for us. We were stuck on buying a SUV instead of another car or van and we were picky that is why it took us so long. Plus we got an amazing deal on it which is even better! Car shopping in 90 degrees with a little baby is not the most fun but it was neat to see all the different types of SUV s out there and test drive some.
The Trailblazer is also my 1st year wedding anniversary present to Kevin and his to me! SUVs aren't cheap, ya know!

Here is a few pictures of our new SUV!

Yes Alexis is in the front seat..we were just transferring stuff!

We traded in Kevin's 2000 Saturn which was really hard to say good-bye to. He's had it for 7 years! 5 of those years I've been around the Saturn. We made many trips in that Saturn and had so many good laughs. It was such a safe feeling car when you drove it..every one knows Kevin made ALOT of trips back and forth to Green Bay and LaCrosse the year we were engaged and he was back working at News Channel 8. I remember the trip he came up to Green Bay and his antenna was broken in half because a bird hit it on HWY 21! He had a little Packer smiley face on it and it was gone. Of course when it was time to leave with our new SUV and say bye to the Saturn I started to cry :( It will truly be missed.

We also got rid of my first car. 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix. My brother, Evan now has it, so at least it is still in the family. I had the car for 4 years and was a very good car! I loved it! Minus the rusted out bottom. I hope the car is just as good for Evan as it was for me. The Grand Prix will be missed just as much..of course I think I will miss it a little more then Kevin will.

Our first blog entry

Hello every one!

I've wanted to start a blog ever since I had Alexis to just give every one updates, stories and new pictures. It has taken me 3 months but I finally am making one! Yay!!