Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Parents 25th Wedding Anniversary

On July 13th it was my parents 25th wedding anniversary! They decided they wanted to go camping at Apple Creek in Wrightstown, WI. My moms friend Theresa from her work was nice enough to let us borrow her nice camper for the long weekend! (If Theresa is reading this Thank you for letting us use your camper!)
So on Saturday July 10th Alexis and I went to Green Bay to go camp! Kevin had to work Saturday and Sunday but came out after work on Sunday. This was of course Alexis' first time camping and she did very well! We had a couple nasty thunderstorms but we stayed nice and dry in the camper. We stayed until Tuesday and the next day they had a huge rain fall and the little creek went over the bank and the whole camp ground was underwater! We left on a good day!

Here are a few pictures from the camping trip
We took Alexis on a few walks and she loved staring up at the trees
My brother Evan and his God Daughter
My mom has wanted a Beatles Abbey Road tee shirt for so long..she finally found one and then a few days later Kevin and I found a Beatles Abbey Road onesie for Alexis!

On Monday Kevin and I went back to East De Pere so I could say Hello to my Pelican friends. There was about 20 of them or so behind me and Alexis
Just a random picture..Kevin holding Alexis..Brandon shoeing away fly's
Our family by the camper
Oh Grandma! Enough with the kisses already!

Even though we've said it before..Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! We love you!

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