Friday, May 20, 2011

May = month of birthdays!

In the month of May, between both our families, we have 8 birthdays! Yikes!

Monday May 9th was my brothers 20th birthday. We had a little party at my house for him. My mom made supper, I made the cake! It was a nice little birthday party. Here are a couple pictures...

Evan and the cake I made him. He was lucky enough to get the left over pink frosting and candles from the cake I made for Alexis' birthday :)

I still had the birthday banner from Alexis' birthday party and instead of taking it down I just decorated it for Evan! I found some pictures of his past birthdays and taped them up. In a lot of Evans baby pictures it is amazing how Alexis looks like her Uncle Evan!

This past Sunday May 15th was my birthday. Thank you all for the cards you sent me! :)
This was the first birthday of mine that Kevin did NOT have to work! It was so nice! We had a nice lunch at Noodles & Company (its amazing how on your birthday you end up doing things that makes your child happy..which she loves Mac N Cheese so we had that) then while Alexis napped in the afternoon I finished painting her toy box that Kevin made for her. Took me awhile to paint it but its finally done! (I will get pictures of that soon) For dinner we went to Krohls with my parents, brother,Brandon, Abby, Aunt Annette. It was a nice time!
Here are a few pictures...

Alexis now is in the stage of not sitting still while out to eat! She is so into walking around but not by herself yet. So most the time one of us was walking her around. She loves all the attention she gets from people aww-ing at her and just smiles back!

This picture is a very good at showing off her beautiful bright blue eyes! Absolutely amazing!!

Family picture with the birthday cake

My Aunt Annette, me and my mom

Just a sweet family picture. I made she we all matched and wore yellow for my birthday. Kevin says he wants us all to wear Twins gear on his birthday!

This was taken this week (just wearing a Valentines day bib) her first time eating grape jelly toast. She LOVED it! Alexis is very into rubbing her dirty hands all over her face and playing with her hair. Mommy loves to clean it up! :) But its adorable so I don't mind

This week Alexis and I have been loving the nicer weather and been walking to the park a lot. She likes to walk of course all the way there (the park is pretty much in our back yard!) She loves to swing and climb up the steps to the play ground. I was surprised at how well she crawled up the steps seeing as how we don't have any steps and the only ones she plays on is at The Little Gym. The Little Gym sure is paying off!!! Yesterday Alexis discovered wood chips. We sat and played with them for 30 mins! She only tried twice putting them in her mouth.

Tomorrow and next week my parents are moving. Just 4 houses down! Hopefully this makes it a easier move...we are just carrying stuff down the road instead of a U-Haul. Hard to believe their moving but this is a much nicer place with a decent landlord. On Sunday my mom and I are going to Madison's dance recital. She is in 7 dances this year and 1 of them being a solo!! I am so excited to see her dance up on stage all by herself!! So this shall be a busy weekend!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tattoo and my second mothers day

I now have my first tattoo! I got it done this past Saturday (May 7th) I got a Gerbera Daisy and Sweet Pea flower along with Alexis's name on my left ankle. Gerbera Daisys and Sweet Peas are the flowers for the month of April which I got because Alexis was born in April (as every one knows! hehe)
It hurt but not like I thought it would which is good. Always expect the worse!
Here is a picture of it.

I love it! It turned out better then I was expecting which is always a good thing.

On Mothers day my parents, and Kevin, Alexis and I went to the N.E.W Zoo. It was such a beautiful day out and moms got in for free!! Alexis loves all the animals and had a blast talking to all of them.

Alexis and Mommy! I was singing her favorite song "if your happy and you know it" but her smile is adorable and you can see her 2 bottom teeth!

A nice family picture after walking around the zoo.

These next pictures are just of her recently on random days.

This is Dakota in between the glass patio door and the screen door. It has become her new place to sit when she wants to be in the sun but away from the goofy baby. Its so funny because Dakota is such a hairy cat her hair sticks all over the place. Tomorrow (Sat. May 14th) is Dakotas birthday...she'll be 5 years old!

This is how Alexis likes to chill while watching her favorite movies while Mommy gets stuff done.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alexis is 1!!!!

Our little girl is already 1! I don't know where the time went?!?!?!?!

She had such a good birthday on Thursday April 21st and then an awesome 1st birthday party on Saturday April 23rd!

Thank you to everyone you came, sent cards, gifts!! You have all spoiled my daughter! :) She has been loving all her new toys!

Thursday her and I just spent a lot of time playing together (a little more than usual! :) ) and waited for every one to get off of work. After work Kevin went to Rocky Rococo's and picked up 2 large pizzas since that pizza is Alexis's favorite! We had over my parents, brother and Brandon and his girlfriend Abby. We had a lot of fun and Alexis loved the cake I made for her!

Here are pictures of her actual birthday.

This is the toy box Kevin made for Alexis. On top is a book shelve for all her books. Right now I am in the works of painting it pink and purple then putting a felt board on the front for her to play with and make pictures.

Alexis and me with the cake I made for every one. I made Alexis her own little cake to eat/smash.

Yes, I did get bangs!! I also cut it a lot shorter then I have in a while and dyed it a redish brown. I did this a week before her birthday. It took me a few days to get used to dealing with bangs but I am loving them!

Here is Alexis's 1st birthday cake! Yummy!

On Thursday my parents got her a Little People Animal Sounds barn. She was loving the box and pointing to the animals

Uncle Evan got her a cup that says Alexis, a telephone that she can walk around with (right now she pushes it around) and he also got her Laugh and Learn Love to Play Puppy.

Brandon and Abby got her My Pal Violet puppy. Its such a neat little dog, you can hook it up to the computer and it will learn her name and I can put on different songs.

I made her this piggy bank. It says Happy 1st Birthday and on the other side says Alexis and 4-21-2010

This is the "big" gift from Mommy & Daddy! Its an outside toy. Right now it has rails around her and a handle so I can push her around in it. When she gets older you can take the rails off and the handle. It's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which is her favorite (other then Elmo) We've only gotten to go on it once because the weather has been so yucky but she did pretty good in it!
After Daddy and Uncle Evan set it all up for her she was set to go and honking the horn like crazy!

A family picture with our birthday girl! :)
Happy Birthday to you!!! :) :) :)

Dig in Alexis!!!

This is just about the messiest she ended up getting because she was to busy concentrating on eating the cake then being messy.

So here are her birthday pictures!! I will post ones from her birthday party next. I'm sure you all have been anxious to see her birthday pictures but she has been teething super bad and just a super duper crabby baby so it has been hard for me to get on the computer. BUT she is slowly feeling better. She is getting her 2 bottom ones in right now. Her first teeth!!!

Pregnant Flash Mob for the March of Dimes

This past Saturday I did the March for Babies walk for March of Dimes. A lot of people helped me raise my goal of $200.00 for March of Dimes and I thank every one who did!! Your money is going to a wonderful cause!! Unfortunately I didn't take along my little princess as she has been not feeling so good with her 2 bottom teeth coming in. Plus the weather was very windy. My mom did walk with me so I wasn't alone but next year and years to come I hope Alexis will walk with me. This is such a wonderful cause, helping little babies get healthy! I am so blessed that Alexis has always been healthy and we pray for the ones who have had struggles.

This video was just posted by the March of Dimes and for every time it is viewed on YouTube Becoming Mom is donating a dime to the March of Dimes so please view it and share with every one you know! Thanks!!