Monday, May 2, 2011

Pregnant Flash Mob for the March of Dimes

This past Saturday I did the March for Babies walk for March of Dimes. A lot of people helped me raise my goal of $200.00 for March of Dimes and I thank every one who did!! Your money is going to a wonderful cause!! Unfortunately I didn't take along my little princess as she has been not feeling so good with her 2 bottom teeth coming in. Plus the weather was very windy. My mom did walk with me so I wasn't alone but next year and years to come I hope Alexis will walk with me. This is such a wonderful cause, helping little babies get healthy! I am so blessed that Alexis has always been healthy and we pray for the ones who have had struggles.

This video was just posted by the March of Dimes and for every time it is viewed on YouTube Becoming Mom is donating a dime to the March of Dimes so please view it and share with every one you know! Thanks!!

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